Pokemon GO: Best Great League Remix Team
Pokemon GO's 7th GO Boxing League Flavor is at present well and truly underway.
Players have had their opportunities to duke it out beyond the Great, Ultra and Master Leagues, as well as a few variations.
Now, nosotros're nigh to caput into the latest league, the Great League Remix.
Hither are the Best Cracking League Remix Team Choices you lot tin make for the GO Boxing League Flavor seven.
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What are the rules for the Great League Remix?
The GO Boxing League, Great League Remix sees the pinnacle x most used Pokemon from the earlier Great League banned from the mix.
That ways players can't use:
- Venusaur
- Raichu and Alolan Raichu
- Marowak and Alolan Marowak
- Azumarill
- Umbreon
- Skarmory
- Swampert
- Galvantula
- Stunfisk and Galarian Stunfisk
- Talonflame
Elevation 25 POKEMON
With those bans in mind, here are the top 25 Pokemon available in the Great League Remix according to PVPoke.
- Medicham (40) – Counter/Ice Punch/Psychic
- Bastiodon (XL) – Smack Down/Stone Edge/Flamethrower
- Registeel –Lock On/Focus Blast/Wink Cannon
- Deoxys (Defense) – Counter/Psycho Boost/Thunderbolt
- Altaria – Dragon Jiff/Sky Attack/Dragon Pulse
- Wobbuffet (XL) – Counter/Return/Mirror Coat
- Cresselia –Psycho Cut/Grass Knot/Moonblast
- Machamp (Shadow) – Counter/Cross Chop/Rock Slide
- Ninetails (Alolan) – Powder Snow/Conditions Ball/Dazzling Gleam
- Vigorith –Counter/Torso Slam/Bulldoze
- Scrafty – Counter/Foul Play/Power-Upwards Punch
- Sableye (Xl) – Shadow Claw/Foul Play/Return
- Wigglytuff – Charm/Water ice Beam/Play Rough
- Hitmontop –Counter/Close Combat/Stone Edge
- Gardevoir (Shadow) – Amuse/Synchronoise/Shadow Ball
- Regirock – Lock on/Stone Edge/Focus Nail
- Escavalier – Counter/Drill Run/Megahorn
- Mandibuzz – Snarl/Foul Play/Aeriform Ace
- Toxicroak – Counter/Mud Bomb/Sludge Bomb
- Lickitung (XL) – Lick/Body Slam/Power Whip
- Abomasnow (Shadow) –Pulverisation Snow/Atmospheric condition Ball/Energy Brawl
- Froslass – Powder Snow/Avalanche/Shadow Ball
- Castform Snowy (XL) – Powder Snow/Weather Ball/Ice Beam
- Clefable – Charm/Meteor Mash/Moonblast
- Zweilous – Dragon Jiff/Body Slam/Dark Pulse
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Using the list in a higher place, here is a agglomeration of different teams we think could aid yous to score some big wins:
- Toxicroak/Registeel/Abomasnow (Shadow)
- Medicham (Forty)/Ninetales (Alolan)/Altaria
- Deoxys (Defence force)/Bastiodon/Cresselia
- Escavalier/Sableye (XL)/Machamp (Shadow)
- Abomasnow (Shadow)/Wigglytuff/Scrafty
Now, these are by no means guaranteed to become yous wins, but they've been created in such a style that gives decent type coverage, limits weakness and offers counters to the Pokemon that are probable to be the well-nigh pop.
When choosing your team, so long equally you lot employ the process above, a combination of any of the height 25+ should work.
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Source: https://www.dualshockers.com/best-great-league-remix-team/
Posted by: monroebestudy.blogspot.com
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