Which Sotos Are Chanted At The Morning Service At A Zen Center?
In this 8-calendar week class we we'll look deeply into the various chants that make upwards the Soto Zen liturgy. Fifty-fifty though these verses may be very familiar to most of united states of america, we may not have whatever thought what they mean and why we say them. Shohaku Okumura has done a great service for Zen practitioners with his clear account of the history and relevance of these texts. He says
"I believe that all verses and scriptures of the Soto Zen tradition are based on the Mahayana didactics of the bodhisattva vow. That is why I titled this volume Living by Vow. It is meant to be a applied introduction non but to Soto Zen practice but also to Mahayana educational activity in general."
Course Text: Shohaku Okumura, LIVING Past VOW. A Practical Introduction to Eight Essential Zen Chants and Texts
Please register for the course by electronic mail: info@mkzen.org
Class Fee: $60.00; membership discounts utilise http://mkzen.org/fee-structure-april-2018
The class will also exist available on zoom. Yous will receive the code after registration.
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Y'all are invited to bring your enthusiasm for bodhisattva practice and sangha engagement to our center and assistance to beautify the one thousand, getting it set for the summertime!
Nosotros will bring up the patio benches from the basement, attach the garden hose and h2o barrel, and clean up the blossom beds and walk ways.
The newly congenital area in the backyard needs attending, and we may be ready to practice some planting there.
Please telephone call Reirin at 414-399-3498 or go out a message at info@mkzen.org if you are able to come (even for an hour or 2). Y'all are welcome to bring a luncheon item to share.
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FULL MOON Bodhisattva Anniversary
Every month, on the full moon morn,
we renew our bodhisattva precepts in an ancient ceremony:
Coming upward, on Monday, at seven:30 am, in the place of morning service, after zazen.
The sangha will recite later on the priest. If y'all are participating via zoom, y'all will demand to be muted, only you tin chant with us, you will find the text under "Liturgy".
The full moon has a special meaning in Zen: Equally information technology is reflected in each bead, so is buddhanature reflected in each of us.
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HALF-Solar day Sitting
Let's have a peaceful morning of silent sitting. This is a expert commencement for a start sitter, to try out a longer menses. The schedule is below.
Please make an effort to participate in the whole retreat. This will give yous the greatest benefit and is respectful to others.
Fee: $20, membership discount applies.
You may also join by Zoom: 349 905 3117 password: 2825
Everybody volition be muted until check-in, when you may make comments or ask questions.
One-half-Twenty-four hour period SIT SCHEDULE
7:00 am zazen
7:30 kinhin
7:twoscore zazen
eight:ten morn service
8:20 break
8:twoscore zazen
9:10 kinhin
9:xx zazen
9:l kinhin
x:00 dharma talk
x:30 suspension
10:40 movement meditation
xi:10 kinhin
eleven:20 zazen
xi:50 noon service
12:00 check-in / stop of day
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Buddha's Birthday is traditionally celebrated in the Bound with a festive altar and a Baby Buddha statue in a bloom bower. While the community chants, each member comes forwards, bows, and offers fragrant water that is showered over the Buddha Baby.
We invite children to join the states on this Dominicus; the curt talk will be the story of Buddha Shakyamuni'southward birth, and for the ceremony we will go outside and also relish tea, juice and cookies.
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TURNING AND BEING TURNED Dharma Talk by Paula Hirschboeck
Zen Instructor Prajnatara Paula Hirschboeck from Sophia Zen Sangha in Madison introduces her new book "TURNING & Beingness TURNED. A Zen Circle of Practice Realization" in a Lord's day Dharma talk at the usual time.
She will bring some books for sale and sign them after. Price $18.95.
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Bring together the states for a sangha walk along Milwaukee River. We'll run across on Friday, April 22, at 9:00 am at Zen Center and carpool to the parking lot at the end of Park Place. We volition end with a service for the healing of the Earth. Yous are welcome to bring a curt reading to share.
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Full MOON Bodhisattva Anniversary
Every calendar month, on the full moon morning, we renew our bodhisattva precepts in an ancient ceremony.
Coming upward, on Saturday, April sixteen, at 7:40 am, in the place of morning service, after zazen.
The sangha will recite later on the priest. If you are participating via zoom, you volition need to be muted, only you tin can chant with u.s.a., you volition detect the text under "Liturgy".
The full moon has a special meaning in Zen: As it is reflected in each dewdrop, then is buddhanature reflected in each of us.
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You lot are invited to this year'due south Annual Meeting, which will be held on Sunday, Apr 10, at 11:xxx am, after the usual morning program.
Anybody who has been fully vaccinated may attend in person. Face masks are optional. The meeting will besides exist available by zoom teleconferencing:
https://us02web.zoom.united states/j/3499053117?pwd=RWlleFJLM0NoTGRLY1JkWlN6QUllZz09
Nosotros volition have a review of last year's events, an update on future plans, ballot of lath members and behave of other business every bit necessary. There will exist tea and cookies and opportunity to converse with others.
Every voting fellow member will have a vote on the slate of candidates for the lath. Please let us know if you would similar a position on the board, or if you have a suggestion for a candidate.
This is an old sangha photo, from long before COVID, remember?!
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WORK Twenty-four hours
Spring is in the air, and it's fourth dimension to do some Soji practice around the firm!
There will be jobs for everyone. The zendo needs a deep-cleaning, and so does the kitchen.
Outside, the weeds are starting to grow, and the new patch behind the firm volition be landscaped.
Many hands volition make a lot of deviation in a few hours.
Please permit me know if you are intending to bring together us, so we tin brand a plan.
You may bring a tiffin dish to share.
Piece of work day at Green Gulch Subcontract Zen Center
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ZAZENKAI canceled
The monthly One-Mean solar day Sitting is canceled for April, as I will be giving a workshop at the Siena Retreat Center in Racine: https://www.sienaretreatcenter.org/retreat-programs
Sad for the inconvenience. See you next month!
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Allow's have a peaceful forenoon of silent sitting. This is a adept starting time for a first sitter, to effort out a longer period. The schedule is below.
Please make an endeavour to participate in the whole retreat. This volition give you the greatest benefit and is respectful to others.
Fee: $20, membership discount applies.
You may as well join by Zoom: 349 905 3117 password: 2825
Everybody will be muted until check-in, when you may make comments or ask questions.
Half-Solar day Sit down SCHEDULE
7:00 am zazen
7:30 kinhin
7:40 zazen
eight:10 morning service
viii:20 interruption
8:40 zazen
9:10 kinhin
ix:xx zazen
nine:fifty dharma talk
10:ten movement meditation
x:xl intermission
xi:00 zazen
11:30 kinhin
11:twoscore zazen
12:x apex service
12:twenty check-in
12:30 terminate of day
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FULL MOON Bodhisattva Ceremony
Every calendar month, on the full moon forenoon, we renew our bodhisattva precepts in an ancient ceremony.
Coming upwardly, on Fri, March 18, at 7:30 am, in the identify of morning service, after zazen.
We may non have a doan ringing the bells, just the sangha will recite after the priest. Though muted on zoom, you can read the text with us, which you lot will observe under "Liturgy".
The full moon has a special significant in Zen: Equally it is reflected in each bead, so is buddhanature reflected in each of us.
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Foundational Teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha and the Practice of Mindfulness
In honor of the late Thich Nhat Hanh, whose death was mourned all over the world last calendar month, we will option upwards his master didactics, the practice of mindfulness. In order to sympathise the context of the practice, we will study the Buddha's foundational teachings that are underpinning all schools of Buddhism, including the Zen School.
This will be a six-calendar week class with a theoretical and a applied part each week.
Fee for non-members $50.00, membership discounts utilise.
Registration by email required. Yous volition and so receive the zoom code.
Text Books:
Transformation and Healing. Sutra on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh
The Life of the Buddha Co-ordinate to the Pali Catechism by Bikkhu Nanamoli
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One-half-Day Sitting
Instead of the planned ZAZENKAI, we will sit down for a half day, from vii am until 12:thirty.
You may come in person, or join u.s.a. on zoom:
seven:00 am zazen
seven:30 kinhin
7:xl zazen
eight:x forenoon service
8:20 break
eight:40 zazen
ix:10 kinhin
9:20 zazen
nine:50 dharma talk
x:10 pause / outdoor walking
10:40 soji (temple cleaning)
xi:00 zazen
11:30 kinhin
11:40 zazen
12:x noon service
12:20 check-in
12:30 finish of day
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JAY ENGLISH Workshop #two
Building bridges to address problems of race & civilization through honest conversations, led by a eye-felt devotion to creating stronger organizations & communities.
We have invited JAY English language for the 2d instalment of his workshop on CULTURAL LITERACY:
Hither, we'll swoop into communication styles and differences beyond cultures. Y'all tin then be aware of them equally y'all engage with those who may live and piece of work in the aforementioned spaces but speak a very dissimilar cultural "language" than your ain.
Who Gets To Decide What Proper English Is?
African American Vernacular English
Code Switching For Beginners
Body Linguistic communication & Communication Styles
Passion vs. Assailment
The Workshop will be bachelor by zoom only.
Zoom Code https://us02web.zoom.the states/j/3499053117?pwd=RWlleFJLM0NoTGRLY1JkWlN6QUllZz09
No Price for the workshop . Please brand a generous donation!
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Allow'southward have a peaceful morning of silent sitting. This is a skilful offset for a beginning sitter, to try out a longer menstruation. The schedule is below.
10 people are welcome to practice in the zendo, just registration is necessary. Please ship an email to info@mkzen.org. You will demand to bring your ain meals, as we are not offering any nutrient notwithstanding.
Please brand an effort to participate in the whole retreat. This will give you the greatest benefit and is respectful to others.
Fee: $20, membership discount applies.
You may also join by Zoom: 349 905 3117 password: 2825
Everybody will be muted until check-in, when you may make comments or enquire questions.
7:00 am zazen
7:xxx kinhin
7:xl zazen
8:x morning service
8:twenty break
8:40 zazen
nine:ten kinhin
9:20 zazen
9:fifty dharma talk
10:x movement meditation
10:40 break
eleven:00 zazen
11:30 kinhin
eleven:twoscore zazen
12:ten noon service
12:20 check-in
12:30 finish of solar day
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FULL MOON Bodhisattva Ceremony
Every month, on the full moon morning, nosotros renew our bodhisattva precepts in an ancient ceremony.
Coming up, on Midweek, Feb 16, at 7:30 am, in the place of morning time service, later zazen.
Everybody who has received the COVID vaccines is welcome in the zendo , and practitioners who have received the precepts, are specially invited. You may also join usa on zoom, with the regular link:
https://us02web.zoom.the states/j/3499053117?pwd=RWlleFJLM0NoTGRLY1JkWlN6QUllZz09
Nosotros may non have a doan ringing the bells, but the sangha will recite after the priest. Though muted on zoom, y'all tin can read the text with us, which you will find under "Liturgy".
The full moon has a special significant in Zen: As it is reflected in each dewdrop, so is buddhanature reflected in each of us.
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Buddha'south Parinirvana
Feb 15 is the traditional date for the commemoration of Shakyamuni Buddha's decease and his passing into Parinirvana. It is a solemn ceremony with offerings, a reading, chanting and circumambulation of the altar. This year it volition be celebrated after Tuesday morn zazen, at 7:30 am.
You lot may come in person (please observe current COVID procedures) or visit by zoom video conferencing. Regular zoom code: 349 905 3117, password 2825
Anybody is invited to attend. There is no fee, donations are welcome.
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Tonen O'Connor on Ryokan
In connection with our current class on Zen Poesy, MZC Resident Priest Emerita Rev. Tonen O'Connor, will deliver a Dharma Talk on the Japanese Poet Ryokan (1758-1831). Together with Shohaku Okumura, she published the book Ryokan Interpreted (2021), with photos by Rev. Hoko Karnegis and artwork past Rev. Tomon Marr. This book was the effect of a research trip to Niigata, Nihon, the place of Ryokan's life and piece of work.
Nosotros are fortunate to accept Tonen with us, who has herself practiced Zen in Japanese temples, to requite us an insider view of a remarkable life of a poet who is withal highly regarded in his habitation land.
People with full COVID vaccination are welcome in the zendo, others please apply zoom:
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ZAZENKAI - One-24-hour interval Sesshin
Bring together the states for a peaceful day of silent sitting, walking meditation, a short dharma talk, moving meditation and chanting services.
This result will be broadcast past zoom teleconferencing, and up to eight individuals can also come in person. If you want to attend in person, please register by calling 414-399-3498 or sending an email to info@mkzen.org.
Visitors demand to be fully vaccinated for COVID. Face masks are optional.
Nosotros are not offering meals yet, so please bring your ain nutrient. Water and tea will exist available.
Please make an effort to stay with us for the whole day, if you can. That will give you the greatest do good and is also respectful towards the other participants.
Please apply the aforementioned link equally usual: ID 349 905 3117, countersign 2825
Fee for not-members is $20, and membership discounts apply.
seven:00 am zazen
7:30 kinhin
vii:forty zazen
8:10 morning service
8:20 breakfast pause
eight:fifty zazen
9:twenty kinhin
9:30 zazen
10:00 dharma talk
ten:30 tea break
ten:fifty zazen
11:20 kinhin
11:xxx zazen
12:00 pm noon service
12:10 tiffin break
1:00 zazen
1:thirty kinhin
1:forty zazen
2:10 outside walking meditation
2:forty zazen
3:10 tea interruption
3:40 zazen
4:10 kinhin
iv:20 zazen
4:l evening service
5:00 end of day
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ZEN Verse
The ineffable Dharma cannot be expressed in words, but poetic language may be able to convey a deeper significant. The Buddha oft used similes from his students' life feel, and Zen poets made use of images and metaphors from nature.
Poetry has played an important office in Buddhist teaching for many hundreds of years. Religious texts that were passed on orally could be remembered through rhyme and meter, and the major Mahayana sutras are partly in verse form.
Some of the cardinal scriptures of the Soto Schoolhouse were written as poems, which are often recited in Zen temples.
In this half-dozen-weeks class, we volition go acquainted with ancient and gimmicky Zen poets and also discover a new approach to Dogen Zenji's work.
Class Fee $ 50.00, membership discounts apply.
No preparation is necessary.
Some of the material used in the class are from the post-obit books (amongst others):
The Complete Cold Mountain. Poems of the Legendary Hermit Hanshan - translated past Kazuaki Tanahashi and Peter Levitt
The Zen Poetry of Dogen . Verses from the Mount of Eternal Peace - past Steven Heine
Heaven To a higher place, Great Air current . The LIfe and Poetry of Zen Primary Ryokan - past Kazuaki Tanahashi
and a special volume from the travels by our Resident Instructor Emerita, Tonen O'Connor, which is available from our shop ($34.95):
Ryokan Interpreted - by Shohaku Okumura with Tonen O'Connor
The Class will be in hybrid form, people who are fully vaccinated, may come in person, others may nourish by zoom:
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On Monday, January 17, the federal vacation of Martin Luther King Day is celebrated in honor of his altogether on January 15.
Nosotros have invited a guest speaker from EXPO (Ex-incarcerated People Organizing) for Sunday, January 16, at the usual time of the Dharma talk.
Milwaukee Zen Center has for many years advocated for people in prison and supported those who have been released. We are aware that The U.s.a. incarcerates far more of its population per capita than any other other country, with the exception of a tiny island in the Indian Bounding main. Blackness and Brown bodies and lives bear the burden of the sprawling criminal justice system that is omnipresent in many poor communities.
Wisconsin has an incarceration rate of 663 per 100,000 people (including prisons, jails, immigration detention, and juvenile justice facilities), meaning that information technology locks up a higher percentage of its people than almost any democracy on earth.
Nosotros are also opposed to the overuse of Solitary Confinement, as demonstrated in Tonen O'Connor's play
"Like an Animal in a Cage" https://world wide web.youtube.com/sentinel?five=_r_0KVqkEE4&t=72s
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Half-24-hour interval SITTING
Allow'due south accept a peaceful morn of silent sitting. This is a good get-go for a start sitter, to try out a longer flow. The schedule is beneath.
Ten people are welcome to practice in the zendo, but registration is necessary. Please transport an email to info@mkzen.org. You will need to bring your own meals, as we are non offering any nutrient yet.
Please make an endeavor to participate in the whole retreat. This volition requite you the greatest benefit and is respectful to others.
Fee: $xx, membership discount applies.
You may likewise join by Zoom: 349 905 3117 countersign: 2825
Everybody volition exist muted until bank check-in, when y'all may make comments or ask questions.
One-half-Twenty-four hours Sit down SCHEDULE
7:00 am zazen
seven:thirty kinhin
vii:40 zazen
viii:10 morning service
8:20 suspension
8:twoscore zazen
ix:ten kinhin
9:20 zazen
9:fifty dharma talk
10:10 movement meditation
x:40 break
11:00 zazen
11:30 kinhin
11:40 zazen
12:ten noon service
12:20 cheque-in
12:xxx end of day
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BPF New year'southward Day Peace Gathering
Buddhist Peace Fellowship presents
Cultivating Joy in Uncertain Times
THIS Consequence Will BE ON ZOOM ONLY.
New year's Day Peace Gathering
Saturday, January one, 2022 ten:00 am
Hosted past Tender Shoot of Joy
Held on Zoom
Zoom Link Coming together ID: 884 8488 6395 Passcode: 061860
Please join the Greater Milwaukee Buddhist Community for this annual gathering to celebrate Peace and cultivate Joy during these uncertain times.
The morn consists of silent meditation, recitation, readings on cultivating Joy, word, and a sock bulldoze. *
*Steve and Jeanne Lowry Memorial Sock Drive:
Bring new, warm socks. Socks will be donated to Repairers of the Breach
All dana nerveless at this event will be offered to the Buddhist Peace Fellowship to help support their connections with the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee and MICAH - Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope
Please send a check with BPF in the memo line fabricated out and mailed to
Mindfulness Customs of Milwaukee
1922 E. Park Pl Milwaukee, WI 53211
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Annual New Twelvemonth's Eve Sitting
SORRY, the following will non exist for in-person attendance this year, because the Zendo will be closed. We want to be certain that everyone is safe, and at this point that cannot be guaranteed.
On December 31, we volition once again sit together in the final dark of the year, reverberate on the past 12 months, and consider our commitments for the future.
At that place volition exist alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation from viii:00 pm until midnight, with a break for a snack of Japanese noodles. At eleven:45 pm the bong will be struck 108 times by the attendees.
Subsequently everybody is invited to write on a piece of newspaper what they would similar to permit go of, and these items will be offered in a fire ceremony at the end.
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FULL MOON Bodhisattva Ceremony
Every calendar month, on the full moon morning, we renew our bodhisattva precepts in an ancient anniversary.
On Saturday, December 18, it will have place at 7:45 am, in the identify of morn service, afterwards zazen.
Everybody who has received the COVID vaccines is welcome in the zendo , and practitioners who have received the precepts, are peculiarly invited. Y'all may besides join u.s. on zoom, with the regular link.
We may not take a doan ringing the bells, but the sangha will recite after the priest. Though muted on zoom, you can read the text with the states, which you will detect under "Liturgy".
The total moon has a special meaning in Zen: As information technology is reflected in each dewdrop, so is buddhanature reflected in each of us.
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Interfaith 51st Annual Commemoration
Milwaukee Zen Centre has for many years been part of the Interfaith Briefing of Greater Milwaukee, and Tonen O'Connor, our former Resident Priest, received the Zeidler Accolade in 2018 at one of these gatherings. Normally information technology would be a festive dejeuner, but like last year it will be online because of the pandemic.
The theme is FOR SUCH A TIME Similar THIS , a conversation almost the growing hate that religious institutions have been facing, with members from the Female parent Emanuel A.Thou.Eastward. Church in Charleston, Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh and the Muslim Community.
Y'all may register directly with the Interfaith Conference, as indicated on the flyer.
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ROHATSU Ceremony
Rohatsu is Japanese for "8th twenty-four hours of the twelfth month." In Japanese Buddhism, Dec eight is commemorated equally the ENLIGHTENMENT of the historical Buddha, likewise chosen Bodhi-Mean solar day.
In Zen temples, this is a joyful celebration at the end of a vii-day sesshin. Today, we are observing the enlightenment experience of Shakyamuni Buddha on the seventh mean solar day of his quest for the truth. We will honor our own awakening with bows, chanting, and circumambulation of the zendo with drum accessory, and rain of flowers.
Please join us after morning zazen, at seven:30 am, in place of the regular service.
COVID protocol is nevertheless in place; delight be aware of spacing yourself during the circumambulation.
Zoom participation is besides an option, as always.
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JUKAI - Bodhisattva Precepts Anniversary
Two of our sangha members, Kim Hartman and Wren Deetjen-Priester, volition be ordained as lay Soto Zen practitioners. For several months, they have diligently been sewing their rakusu, the mini version of the okesa (Buddha's robe), and studied the Soto Zen precepts.
The ceremony - Zaike Tokudo, Ceremony of Staying Home and Attaining Liberation - is very similar to the priest ordination, only there you lot would be leaving habitation.
It will take place at three:00 pm on Sunday afternoon, and family, friends and sangha members are warmly invited, either in the zendo or on zoom (349 905 3117, password 2825). At that place will be light refreshments afterwards for anyone who would similar to stay for a reception.
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ROHATSU ZAZENKAI and Endmost of Exercise Period
Instead of the traditional seven-day sesshin, nosotros concur a one-day Rohatsu Zazenkai this twelvemonth.
Everybody is welcome to bring together us in a full day of silent zazen practice, and members of the Practise Period are peculiarly invited to participate in the closing of the 8-week duration, which will take place in the afternoon.
If yous want to nourish in person, please register by calling 414-399-3498 or sending an e-mail to info@mkzen.org. Practitioners demand to have received both COVID vaccine shots. Face masks are optional. We are not offering meals nonetheless, so please bring your own food.
Delight make an effort to stay with us for the whole day, if you tin can. That will give you lot the greatest do good and is besides respectful towards the other participants.
This result will besides be broadcast by zoom teleconferencing.
Please use the same link as usual: ID 349 905 3117, password 2825
Donations to the Heart are appreciated!
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Let'southward have a peaceful morning of silent sitting. This is a expert start for a beginning sitter, to effort out a longer period. The schedule is below.
Ten people are welcome to practice in the zendo, but registration is necessary. Please send an email to info@mkzen.org. You volition need to bring your own meals, as we are non offering any food yet.
Delight make an try to participate in the whole retreat. This will requite you the greatest benefit and is respectful to others.
Fee: $20, membership discount applies.
You may besides join past Zoom: 349 905 3117 password: 2825
Everybody will exist muted until cheque-in, when y'all may make comments or ask questions.
One-half-DAY Sit down SCHEDULE
7:00 am zazen
7:30 kinhin
7:40 zazen
8:x morning service
8:20 suspension
8:forty zazen
nine:10 kinhin
nine:20 zazen
9:l dharma talk
10:10 movement meditation
ten:40 suspension
11:00 zazen
11:30 kinhin
11:xl zazen
12:x noon service
12:20 check-in
12:30 stop of day
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Full MOON Bodhisattva Ceremony
Every calendar month, on the total moon morning, nosotros renew our bodhisattva precepts in an ancient ceremony.
On Friday, November nineteen, it volition take place at 7:30 am, in the place of morning service, after zazen.
Everybody who has received the COVID vaccines is welcome in the zendo , and practitioners who have received the precepts, are particularly invited. You may also join united states of america on zoom, with the regular link.
The sangha will recite later on the priest. Though muted on zoom, you tin can read the text with usa, which you will detect under "Liturgy".
The full moon has a special meaning in Zen: As it is reflected in each dewdrop, so is buddhanature reflected in each of us.
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ZAZENKAI - One-Day Sitting
Bring together us for a peaceful 24-hour interval of silent sitting, walking meditation, a curt dharma talk and chanting services: usual morning service with Heart Sutra in English language, Harmony of Deviation and Equality for noon service, andLoving Kindness Meditation for evening service.
If you want to nourish in person, please register past calling 414-399-3498 or sending an email to info@mkzen.org. Practitioners demand to have received both COVID vaccine shots. Face up masks are optional. We are not offering meals nevertheless, so please bring your own food.
Please make an effort to stay with us for the whole day, if you lot can. That will give you the greatest benefit and is also respectful towards the other participants.
This event will likewise be broadcast by zoom teleconferencing.
Please use the same link every bit usual: ID 349 905 3117, password 2825
Donations to the Heart are appreciated!
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SEJIKI Ceremony
SEJIKI is an ancient Buddhist anniversary, a food offering to the Hungry Ghosts.
We will start with zazen at the regular time at seven:00 am and celebrate the ceremony at the regular morning time service time .
The Sejiki Ceremony has an unusual dirge from the sutra Kanromon, Gate of Sugariness Nectar, which the entire associates participates in. Information technology contains the cadre teachings on the practise of making offerings and a series of incantations handed down from the Buddha. The chant forms the basis of the ritual.
At the end we will read the names of people who died within in the recent past, either sangha and family members or other important people in our community. They tin also include people who you did not know personally. Delight send me names in writing that you would like to be included.
Please familiarize yourself with the dirge prior to the actual anniversary at 7:30 am on October 30th. Run into below for the transcript of the dirge.
Hungry ghosts are all those spirits who feel unsatisfied and cannot get plenty nourishment. They take large stomachs and sparse throats. These beings tin can too exist within ourselves. Sejiki-e is conducted for the benefit of these sprits, to whom we offer food and the Dharma.
GATE OF Sweetness DEW:
Homage to the buddhas in ten directions.
Homage to the dharma in ten directions.
Homage to the sangha in ten directions.
Homage to our original teacher, Shakyamuni Buddha.
Homage to the peachy merciful, compassionate reliever of suffering, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva.
Homage to the expounder of the teachings, the venerable Ananda.
Giving rising to the awakened mind, we unconditionally offer a bowl of pure food to all the hungry ghosts in every land to the farthest reaches of vast emptiness in the ten directions, including every atom throughout the unabridged dharma realm. Nosotros invite all our departed ancestors going back to aboriginal times, the spirits dwelling in mountains, rivers, and earth, as well as demonic spirits from the untamed wilderness, to come and gather hither. At present, with deep sympathy nosotros offer nutrient to all of you, sincerely hoping that you will each have this food and turn it over, making offerings to buddhas, sages, and all sentient beings throughout the vast emptiness of the universe, and so that yous and all the many sentient beings will be satisfied. Moreover, we sincerely wish that your bodies exist conveyed by these mantras and nutrient and so that you may depart from suffering, be liberated, find nativity in heaven, and receive joy. In accord with your intentions, may yous travel freely through the pure lands in the ten directions and agitate awakened heed practicing the awakened manner and in the hereafter become a buddha without regressing. We entreat those who have previously attained the mode since ancient times to vow to realize liberation together with all beings. Day and night, constantly protect us so that our vows volition be fulfilled. We offer food to beings throughout the dharma realm, so that every being will equally receive this fortunate offer. Whatever virtue and merit this produces, nosotros completely transfer and dedicate to the unsurpassed awakening with total clarity and wisdom of the whole dharma realm of true reality, that all may chop-chop accomplish buddhahood without incurring whatever other destinies. May all sentient beings of the dharma realm take advantage of this teaching to quickly achieve buddhahood.
Kān Ro Mōn [Italicized portions of the text are not chanted.]
Dharani for Summoning Deceased Spirits to the Groovy Assembly
Nō bō bohori gyari tari tatāgyata ya
Dharani for Breaking Downward the Gates of Hell and Opening Throats
Ōm boho tēiri gyatari tatāgyata ya
Dharanis Summoning the Five Tathagathas with Precious Names
Homage to the Many Jewels Tathagatha,
Nō bo bagya batēi hara bota ara tānnō ya tatāgyata ya
Removing the karma of greed, fully consummate with blessing and wisdom.
Homage to the Wondrous Class Torso Tathagatha,
Nō bo bagya batēi soro baya tatāgyata ya
Destroying disgrace and vileness, fully complete with good marks.
Homage to the Rex of Sweet Dew Tathagatha,
Nō bo bagya batēi ami ritēi arān jaya tatāgyata ya
Pouring the Dharma into torso and mind, granting pleasure.
Homage to the Boundless Body Tathagatha,
Nō bo bagya batēi biho ragya taraya tatāgyata ya
Opening wide all throats, satisfying them with food and drink.
Homage to the Liberty from Fear Tathagatha,
Nō bo bagya batēi aba ēn gyara ya tatāgyata ya
Completely banishing fear, freeing all from rebirths as hungry ghosts.
Dedication (chanted by whole assembly):
By the positive energy of this assembly, we repay the virtue of our parents' toil and care. May the living be blessed with joy and longevity without misery. May the deceased be freed from suffering and be born into peaceful nurturing. May conscious beings in the three realms, having received the four benefactions, together with those built-in to suffering in the threefold path and the viii difficult situations, all thoroughly repent their errors, launder away their defects, finally depart the round of samsara, and be born in the pure land.
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Our dear friend and fellow pupil, TOM TOLAN, will receive the precepts and be invited into the Soto Zen Lineage past his teacher Shoho Michael Newhall.
Members of his family and personal friends will be in the zendo, and everybody else can picket on zoom:
https://us02web.zoom.united states/j/3499053117?pwd=RWlleFJLM0NoTGRLY1JkWlN6QUllZz09
The anniversary, shukke tokudo, is a serious step in a practitioner's life, formally giving up all attachments and joyously entering into the service for all beings. Tom has prepared himself for a long fourth dimension, sewing his own robe and studying texts from his teacher's lineage. He has been a valuable member of our community for countless years.
We congratulate him on this auspicious occasion!
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Which Sotos Are Chanted At The Morning Service At A Zen Center?,
Source: http://mkzen.org/new-events
Posted by: monroebestudy.blogspot.com
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